Webinar - Heat Stress in Ewes

The “Heat Stress in ewes ” project undertaken across 21 producer sites in 2022/23 and 17 in 2023/24 involved supplementation of either an implant of melatonin (Regulin) or a drench of ADE (Maxivit) to ewes at joining over the Summer period. The aim of the project was to increase conception rates and twinning rates at pregnancy scanning. This presentation highlights the impact of heat on the fertility of sheep in the Australian sheep industry and discusses the outcomes of this project and how this can benefit producers in the Australian sheep industry. conducted research. The project was undertaken through the South Australian Drought hub, by the Davies Livestock Research Centre at the University of Adelaide. This webinar is supported AWI, SA Sheep Industry Fund, PIRSA and by AIR EP – Ag innovation and Research Eyre Peninsula.